Tuesday, October 06, 2009

iHero Schwag

Everyone wants an iHero or Internet Hero T-shirt --- right? What else do you want to see ihero on ?


Sunday, September 06, 2009

Internet Hero

I was very surprised to get a check in the mail the other day from iUniverse -- it appears I sold some more books -- now please get out there and write some reviews at amazon.com:

How am I supposed to make the next book better if I don't have any feedback ?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Next ihero Book

Well I have an outline -- but the ihero prototypes use up about 90% of my time -- my wife gets the other 10% -- all are well worth it. My next book will account for my military background and some of the stuff I do at work. I plan on taking the first book -- fixing all the errors, adding about 6 more chapters and republish. I'll actually get an editor this time.

Friday, February 06, 2009

New iHero Knight

Well we've been very busy here at iHero -- unfortunately it hasn't been with iHero business.

We have a new Knight joining the router table -- we were going to call him Star Knight -- but I won't do on to others as has been done on to me -- someone is already using that name -- maybe STE for Star Knight Entertainment......

You can see his helmet on the ihero.com web site. later Darc